Ultrasound Guided Injections
Ultrasound Guided Injections are a precise therapeutic and diagnostic treatment modality that can be used for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.
At Beaches Chiropractic a qualified sonographer will be able to specifically place the needle in the desired location due to the guidance of the ultrasound unit.
We are able to provide a range of injections which include both Hyaluronic Acid and combined steroid and local anaesthetic.
Hyaluronic Acid has been shown to provide significant relief in patients with mild and moderate arthritis changes, most notably, in patients with Knee Osteoarthritis. It is classed as a "Chondro preservative" treatment.
We offer a variety of Hyaluronic Acid options and these include:
- Ostenil Plus
- Ostenil Tendon
- Durolane
- Monovisc
We are also able to offer a combined Steroid with Hyaluronic Acid injection called Cingal. Early evidence is suggesting that while Steroids such as Kenalog and Depomedol are "Chondro Toxic". As the steroid within this injection is a Triamcinolone Hexacetonide (TH) it means it is a safe, effective and rapid steroid. This is pre-mixed with a optimum molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid, this injection has all the benefits of a steroid coupled with the chondrites-protective capabilities of Hyaluronic Acid.
Each of these products have slightly different properties with slightly different "ideal" uses, All of this will be discussed with you prior to the injection being performed.
We are also able to provide corticosteroid injections at the clinic and this will be done under the guidance of an independent prescriber.
Prior to an injection being performed, a confirmation of the diagnosis is required and an assessment by a healthcare practitioner is required. All of the injections performed are done in a clean environment with the use of chlroprep cleaning agent on the skin.
Injection Options
Ideal for Mild/Moderate Osteoarthritis of the Knee and Hip
A High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid, Ideal for Knee Osteoarthritis
The Perfect Molecular Weight for stimulating healthy synovial fluid and protecting cartilage
All the benefits of a steroid with all the benefits of hyaluronic acid.
Ideal when combined with local anaesthetic for both diagnostic and therapeutic